In the dynamic realm of Rise 1, teamwork isn’t just a strategy, it is the magnetic force that propels us forward. Each day, our diverse talents converge, sparking a symphony of creativity and collaboration. Together, we navigate complexities, innovate fearlessly, and transform ideas into cutting-edge solutions. At Rise 1, teamwork isn’t just a concept; it’s our DNA. It empowers us to exceed expectations, break barriers, and shape the future of technology with passion and precision.

Words From CEO

Dear Esteemed Clients and Colleagues
Welcome to RISE 1, an unparalleled platform where technology meets innovation in order to deliver the excellence. As CEO, I am honoured to lead a team of some excellent individuals who thrive on pushing boundaries and are committed to create impactful digital transformations that leads the industry.At RISE 1, our mission is clear : to empower businesses with cutting-edge technologies that drive success.
Whether it's developing a scalable software solution, revolutionizing digital marketing strategies, or enhancing cybersecurity measures, RISE 1 is always committed to help our clients to stay ahead of the curve. We understand that the digital landscape is ever-evolving, and our agility and creativity allow us to empower businesses to thrive in a fast-paced world.
Our commitment to innovation is matched only by our dedication to excellence. We pride ourselves on delivering state of the art solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations. With a focus on collaboration and forward-thinking strategies, propelled with the commitment to delivering excellence in every project we undertake, RISE 1 always stands at the forefront of the industry.Together, with our global network of expert team members and clients, we forge ahead, creating sustainable solutions that inspire and endure. Thank you for choosing RISE 1 as your trusted digital partner. With a joint venture based on trust & collaboration we can redefine the meaning of true technological success.
Here's to a future shining with limitless possibilities, let us be a part of this journey together.
Let's Rise Above All with RISE 1.
Best regards
Founder & CEO, RISE 1.

Words From CTO

Respected clients & team members
I feel really privileged to address you as the Chief Technology Officer of RISE 1, a pioneering force in the realm of freelancing and digital innovation. As we gather here, I am filled with immense pride for what we have accomplished and boundless excitement for what lies ahead. At RISE 1, we have embarked on a journey fueled by a relentless pursuit of excellence in the digital space. Our platform stands not just as a marketplace but as a beacon of opportunity, connecting talented freelancers with clients worldwide. Each day, we witness the power of collaboration and the transformative impact of technology on businesses and lives.
As CTO, I am privileged to lead a team of brilliant minds who continuously push the boundaries of what's possible. Our commitment to innovation is unwavering. We embrace emerging technologies, from AI and blockchain to IoT and beyond, to empower our freelancers and enhance the experience of our clients. Looking ahead, the future of freelancing is bright, and RISE 1 is at the forefront of this evolution. We will continue to innovate, to adapt, and to lead. Together with our freelancers and clients, we will shape the future of work, making it more flexible, inclusive, and rewarding for all. Thank you everyone who has been a part of our journey so far. Your dedication and passion drive us forward.
Let us continue to rise together, embracing challenges as opportunities, and shaping a brighter tomorrow.
Thank you.
Best regards
Co-Founder & CTO, RISE 1.

Liam discovered his passion for coding during his teenage years when he tinkered with basic HTML and CSS to customize his online gaming profiles. Fascinated by the ability to create something from scratch and make it accessible to millions, he pursued a degree in computer science with a focus on web development.
After graduating, Liam landed his first job at RISE 1 as a Junior Developer, where he sharpened his skills in front-end development. His attention to detail and creative flair quickly set him apart, and he began working on projects ranging from responsive websites for small businesses to complex e-commerce platforms.

Nationality : Canadian

Hobby : Long Drive

Favourite Quote : The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall

Diana’s artistic journey began in childhood, sketching and painting under the encouragement of her artist parents. She pursued a degree in graphic design to formalize her skills. She joined RISE 1 as a Graphics Designer. Known for her vibrant color palettes and bold typography choices, Emma specializes in branding and digital marketing design.
Her work helps businesses stand out in competitive markets, combining creativity with strategic messaging to connect brands with their audiences. Her expertise in digital campaigns by creating visually compelling social media graphics and digital advertisements helps clients effectively showcasing their brand message and engage with their target audience. Lily’s attention to detail and innovative approach to design contribute to the success of campaigns across various platforms by RISE 1.

Nationality : Canadian

Hobby : Sketching

Favourite Quote : If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine

Emma’s fascination with technology began early in her childhood, tinkering with gadgets and exploring the possibilities of software. Inspired by her curiosity, she pursued a degree in computer engineering with a focus on mobile app development. During her university years, Emma interned at a tech startup where she gained hands-on experience in building mobile applications.
After graduation, Emma joined Team RISE 1 as an app developer. Her expertise in iOS and Android development quickly made her an invaluable member of our team. She thrives on the challenge of turning innovative ideas into user-friendly apps that solve real-world problems. Emma is passionate about staying updated with the latest trends in mobile technology and enjoys collaborating with designers and product managers to deliver seamless and impactful mobile experiences along with branding the name of RISE 1.

Nationality : Australian

Hobby : Watching Movies

Favourite Quote : We do not remember days, we remember moments

Ryan’s path to becoming a website developer started unconventionally. With a background in graphic design and a keen eye for aesthetics, he transitioned into web development after realizing the potential to combine his design skills with technical expertise. He taught himself coding languages like JavaScript and PHP through online courses and hands-on projects. Now, as a Senior Web Developer at RISE 1, Ryan enjoys the freedom to work on diverse projects, from building custom WordPress themes for small businesses to creating interactive portfolios for artists. His journey underscores the intersection of creativity and technical proficiency in crafting compelling online experiences which has certainly widespread the excellence of Team RISE 1.

Nationality : Korean

Hobby : Hiking on green mountain valleys

Favourite Quote : Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Olivia’s passion for writing began in childhood when she filled notebooks with stories and poems. She pursued a degree in English literature to refine her writing skills and began her career at a publishing company, editing and writing articles for lifestyle magazines. Olivia’s versatility in writing spans from creative fiction to informative features and her ability to craft compelling narratives and optimize content for SEO contributes to enhancing online visibility and driving traffic for clients across diverse industries.
Olivia started her career as a Content Writer at RISE 1 in the year of 2021. Now she creates content for our global clients, websites and marketing campaigns. Her ability to adapt contents from different cultural contexts and languages helps RISE 1 to effectively reach diverse audiences worldwide, fostering connections and driving engagement.

Nationality : American

Hobby : Writing

Favourite Quote : I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them

Ritesh’s interest in data analysis developed after working in market research and business intelligence roles. He studied data management and analytics to deepen his understanding of data-driven decision-making. His proficiency in SQL and data visualization tools enables him to identify opportunities for product enhancement and user experience optimization.
After graduation, Ritesh joined RISE 1 as a data analyst, where he applies statistical models and machine learning algorithms to analyze market trends and customer behavior. His analytical skills and attention to detail help stakeholders to make data-driven decisions that drive business growth and profitability.

Nationality : Indian

Hobby : Travelling

Favourite Quote : You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.

Ritu found her niche as a trailblazing UI/UX designer, infusing elegance into digital experiences at RISE 1. Fresh from design school, she joined our team with an aspiration to use her skills for creating some more user interactive interfaces to decrease the distance between humans & machines.Ritu’s days were a whirlwind of wireframes and prototypes, refining the UI for Rise 1’s next-gen AR platform. Her meticulous attention to detail and intuitive design sense brought client’s concepts to life, enhancing user interaction and accessibility.

Collaborating with developers, Ritu navigated the complexities of integrating AR features seamlessly. Her breakthrough came with a gesture-based navigation system that revolutionized user engagement.When the AR platform launched, Ritu beamed with pride as users marveled at its intuitive interface. For her, Rise 1 wasn’t just a workplace; it was a canvas where every pixel painted a story of innovation and user-centric design.

Nationality : Indian

Hobby Sleeping 


Favourite Quote :You must be the change you wish to see in the world

Sabrina’s journey at RISE 1 began with a daring leap of faith. Freshly graduated with top honors in mechanical engineering, she applied for a CAD designer position, drawn by the company’s reputation for cutting-edge innovation.
Sabrina’s days were spent in a symphony of design software and intricate blueprints, translating concepts into detailed CAD models for cutting-edge robotics projects. Her expertise in parametric modeling and simulation made her invaluable to the team, ensuring every component was optimized for performance and efficiency.

Collaborating closely with engineers and project managers, Sabrina tackled challenges ranging from complex mechanisms to streamlined manufacturing processes. Her meticulous approach and innovative solutions set new standards within Rise 1’s engineering team.
Looking back, Sabrina knew joining Rise 1 had been the best decision of her career. The company’s commitment to pushing technological boundaries matched her own ambitions perfectly. With each project, she continued to carve her path as a key player in shaping the future of engineering innovation for team RISE 1.

Nationality : Bangladeshi

Hobby : Travelling

Favourite Quote Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.


Ishtiaque’s journey at Rise 1 began with a single app idea that ignited his passion for digital innovation. Fresh out of university with a degree in computer science, he was eager to make his mark in the tech industry. Drawn by Rise 1’s reputation for fostering creativity, Ishtiaque applied for a position as an app developer to create an app for another sister concern project of RISE 1 Smart Home Solution.They offered him a role in their mobile applications division, and Ishtiaque eagerly accepted.

From day one, Ishtiaque immersed himself in the dynamic environment at Rise 1.As weeks turned into months, Ishtiaque’s contributions became integral to the project’s success. His app not only simplified the user interface but also improved communication between service providers and clients. The positive feedback from early testers fueled Ishtiaque’s drive to innovate further.

Reflecting on his journey, Ishtiaque knew he had found more than a job at Rise 1—he had found a community of like-minded innovators dedicated to making a meaningful impact through technology. Each day brought new challenges and opportunities to push the boundaries of what was possible in app development, solidifying Ishtiaque’s resolve to continue shaping the future of digital solutions.

Nationality : Bangladeshi

Hobby Photography

Favourite Quote In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

Ava’s journey to Rise 1, a beacon of digital innovation, began with a passion for storytelling and consumer behavior analysis. Armed with a degree in marketing analytics and a portfolio showcasing strategic prowess, she set her sights on a company known for pushing digital boundaries.

During her interview, Ava impressed with insights on data-driven strategies and transformative campaigns. Her track record included doubling client conversions through targeted emails and social media revamps.

Recognizing her blend of creativity and analytical rigor, Rise 1 offered Ava a pivotal role in digital marketing. Excited to collaborate with industry leaders, she eagerly accepted.

From day one, Ava immersed in Rise 1’s dynamic environment. Collaborating across teams, she crafted campaigns fusing technology with compelling narratives. Days were filled with analytics, A/B testing, and strategy refinements.

Ava’s efforts paid off as campaigns drove engagement and ROI, earning acclaim within and beyond Rise 1. For Ava, it wasn’t just work—it was a platform to innovate and inspire, where each campaign transformed potential into performance.

Nationality Australia 

Hobby Collecting Perfumes 

Favourite Quote Do one thing every day that scares you.

Charles, the legal advisor of Rise 1 Freelancing Agency, navigated a complex realm where digital contracts intersected with human disputes. His days commenced with unraveling ownership intricacies of code and concluded with swiftly mediating conflicts between clients.

One morning, a coder alleged plagiarism against a graphic designer. Charles meticulously investigated through timestamps and email threads, unveiling the truth amidst tangled accusations. He skillfully negotiated a settlement that upheld fairness and fortified client trust.However, challenges were his routine task. An urgent copyright infringement notice jeopardized an important project. Charles swiftly formulated a robust response, shielding Rise 1’s reputation and ensuring seamless project continuity.

Beyond legal intricacies, Charles prioritized fostering a community built on trust and mutual respect. Each case reinforced his commitment to safeguarding freelancers’ rights and upholding the agency’s principles.Charles, the legal guardian of creative liberties, fortified Rise 1’s resilience in navigating the complexities of the digital era.

Nationality : American

Hobby : Travelling

Favourite Quote Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, in both way you’re right

Marie’s journey to Rise 1 began unexpectedly at a marketing online conference. Her insightful discussion with a senior executive led to an invitation to collaborate. Marie impressed with her data-driven strategies and successful campaigns, showcasing her ability to drive ROI through innovative digital initiatives.Recognizing Marie’s potential, Rise 1 offered her a key role in their dynamic digital marketing team. Eager to collaborate with industry leaders and push creative boundaries, Marie eagerly accepted.

From day one, Marie immersed herself in Rise 1’s culture of innovation. She collaborated across teams, refining strategies that fused emerging technologies with compelling storytelling. Her days were filled with analyzing market trends, crafting impactful campaigns, and celebrating successes that resonated with audiences.

Marie’s contributions elevated brand visibility and earned consumer engagement, earning appreciations within Rise 1 and beyond. For Marie, Rise 1 wasn’t just a workplace—it was a canvas where her passion for digital marketing flourished, and where every campaign was an opportunity to pioneer new ideas in the digital landscape.

Nationality : American

Hobby Snowboarding

Favourite Quote : If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success

Sarah, a seasoned digital marketing expert with a passion for innovation, eagerly joined RISE 1, a leading freelancing agency specializing in digital solutions. Her journey began with crafting targeted campaigns for emerging brands, leveraging RISE 1’s global platform to reach diverse audiences.

Sarah’s strategic insights and creative prowess quickly became evident as she spearheaded impactful social media strategies and optimized conversion funnels. Her ability to adapt to market trends and deliver unique results earned her trust among clients and peers alike.

At RISE 1, Sarah flourished in a collaborative environment, exchanging ideas with fellow experts across continents. She played a pivotal role in refining the agency’s approach to client engagement and digital branding, setting new benchmarks of success for RISE 1.

Sarah’s journey at RISE 1 epitomized her dedication to driving growth and innovation in digital marketing, making a lasting impact on both clients and the agency itself.

Nationality : Italian

Hobby : Mural Painting

Favourite Quote : Success is not final; failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts

Jack was such a person who lived and breathed game development. As a seasoned developer with a passion for narrative-driven experiences, he thrived on the challenges posed by each project.

Days blended into nights as Jack meticulously crafted the game’s branching storylines and dynamic character interactions. Collaborating with a diverse team of artists, programmers, and writers, he pushed the boundaries of what storytelling in gaming could achieve.

When the game finally launched, Jack felt a surge of pride as players delved into the rich world he had helped to create. The positive reception was a testament to the dedication and creativity fostered by Jack at Rise 1. For Jack, every pixel and line of code represented not just a game, but a journey of innovation and passion in the vibrant world of game development.

Nationality : American

Hobby : Playing Games With VR

Favorite Quote : Life is either a daring adventure or nothing


Emilia, a dynamic digital marketing strategist known for her creativity and analytical prowess, embarked on a new chapter by joining RISE 1, a cutting-edge freelancing agency specializing in digital transformations. Drawn by RISE 1’s reputation for innovation and global reach, Emilia saw an opportunity to expand her horizons.

Her journey at RISE 1 began with a challenging assignment: revitalizing the online presence of a struggling e-commerce startup. Emilia crafted a comprehensive digital strategy, combining SEO, social media engagement, and targeted advertising to drive traffic and conversions.

Emilia’s contributions didn’t stop there. She introduced data-driven methodologies that optimized campaign performance and ROI for clients across various sectors. Her knack for identifying emerging trends and implementing impactful strategies set a new standard at RISE 1.

Amidst collaborative brainstorming sessions with international peers, Emilia thrived, sharing insights and refining best practices. Her passion for digital innovation and commitment to client success solidified her role as a pivotal asset within RISE 1, shaping its future in the competitive digital landscape.

Nationality : Canadian

Hobby : Travelling

Favourite Quote Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great

Alfred, a seasoned financial advisor renowned for his strategic acumen, joined RISE 1, a dynamic freelancing agency revolutionizing financial consultancy. His expertise quickly became integral as he navigated diverse projects—from guiding startups in securing seed funding to optimizing investment portfolios for high-net-worth individuals.

At RISE 1, Alfred’s contributions extended beyond traditional roles. He spearheaded initiatives to streamline client onboarding processes and implemented innovative investment analysis tools, enhancing operational efficiency. Alfred’s ability to foster trust and deliver tailored financial solutions earned him accolades within the agency and among clients worldwide.

Through RISE 1’s platform, Alfred thrived in a collaborative environment, leveraging global insights and cutting-edge technology to redefine financial advisory services. His journey at RISE 1 exemplified his commitment to excellence and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of financial consulting.

Nationality : Malaysian

Hobby : Cooking

Favourite Quote : The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well

Our Beloved Intern Members

We are a small but perfectly formed team of some creative minded people. And we always love awesome new like-minded people to work with. Here we represent our beloved intern team members who all are going to be invaluable parts of our team. They have proven their worth in their respective fields and right now they are working with us to take RISE 1 to the next level. We appreciate their dedication, creativity and glorious journey with us.

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